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Love for Love

Love for Love

Editeur(s) CULTUREA
Date de parution : 24/04/2024
Collection(s) : American Poetry

Résumé : "Love for Love" by William Congreve is a witty and sophisticated comedy that satirizes the manners and mores of Restoration England. Set in London during the late 17th century, the play follows the romantic entanglements of various characters as they navigate the complexities of love, marriage, and social ambition. At the heart of the story is the rakish Valentine, who must choose between marrying for love or for money. As schemes are hatched, misunderstandings abound, and true feelings are revealed, "Love for Love" offers a delightful romp through the world of the English aristocracy. With its sparkling dialogue, clever plot twists, and memorable characters, Congreve's comedy remains a classic of English literature, showcasing his mastery of the genre and his keen insight into human nature.
12,00 €

Fiche technique
Ean : 9791041999255
Rayon(s) :
Pages : 90
Poids : 155 g
Hauteur : 220 cm
Largeur : 170 cm
Epaisseur : 5 cm